cote divoire

Welcome to Cote d'Ivoire! A beautiful and rich African country!

Côte d'Ivoire is a West African country with beach resorts, rainforests and a French-colonial legacy. Abidjan, on the Atlantic coast, is the country’s major urban center. Its modern landmarks include zigguratlike, concrete La Pyramide and St. Paul's Cathedral, a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. North of the central business district, Banco National Park is a rainforest preserve with hiking trails. Abidjan’s Musée National displays indigenous art and artifacts, notably statues and ivory craftwork. East along the coast, Grand-Bassam is a small city that served as the French capital in the late 1800s. It has a historic colonial district, a traditional fishing village and a popular beach. Farther east, the seaside resort Assinie offers sunbathing and surfing, plus access to Parc National Des Iles Ehotilés, an estuary that’s home to rare birds. In the country’s center, capital Yamoussoukro features the enormous Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, closely modeled on St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

Cote d'Ivoire is a rich country with a diversity of cultures; from north to south, east to west. Here is my country Cite d'Ivoire through culture, foods and attractions.