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The iPod.

The portable music player that changed the music industry forever. The iPod blew up on the scene in 2001 and has been the leader in music players ever since. The iPod allowed us to have all of our music and media on one device. With its sleek designs and recognizable white ear buds, the iPod, along with iTunes, changed the music industry. My website will delve into how the iPod came into existence, the impact and success the iPod's has had, the different iPod generations, and how Steve Jobs changed the industry.

No other mp3 player has caught the attention of consumers as much as the iPod has done. There have been many competitors but the iPod has always reigned supreme.


1st gen ipod

The device that started it all. The iPod Classic.




Created by: Angelyn Arthur

Date: May 2, 2012

Email: angelyn.arthur@stu.bcc.cuny.edu