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With the introduction of the iPod in 2001, the era of digital music was forever changed. Inspired by the new developments in technology during the digital age, Steve Jobs and Apple wanted to change the portable music player.  Before the iPod, most portable music players had a limited amount of songs it could hold – about a CD’s worth. But the iPod sought out to change that. With the iPod, it allowed users to put thousands of songs onto one device. Initially, critics thought the device wasn’t as great as it was being claimed. It was thought that it did too little for being so expensive. But Apple and the iPod proved them wrong, as the iPod showed to be a great innovation.



Along with the iPod, iTunes, a music player, also changed the music industry. The iTunes store allows you to download and purchase your digital media. Before iTunes, the music industry was being hindered by sites such as Limewire and Napster that allowed music to be downloaded for free. The music industry was helped with Jobs’ idea of charging 0.99 cents a song. The iTunes store made it possible for consumers to get all of their media from one place. It also made is easier for lesser known artists to commercially get their music out to a larger audience. iTunes has sold over 16 billon song downloads and it continues to climb every day.


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