For my webpage, I will be talking about the Earth’s plate tectonics and a hypothesis known as continental drift. The goal of this webpage is to inform a person about continental drift and plate tectonics. I chose this topic because studying Earth Science at Bronx Community College has opened my mind to what changes take place on Earth that a human doesn’t see without instruments and years of studies. This is a topic that was really interesting to me and I would like to share with the world what I have learned my Fall 2018 semester from Professor Sheldon Skaggs.

As a child, have you ever had to cut out the pieces of the continents and put them together as a project in school? As an adult, have you ever tried to fit those pieces together as if it were a puzzle? if your answer is yes, you'd notice that before the continents became seven separate continents they were all together as several large landmasses known as Pangea, Gondwana, and Laurasia. They were thought to form the present continents in the geological past.

These next few pages will explain what's continental drift and who came up with this hypothesis or theory?, The Earth's layers, the seafloor spreading hypothesis, tectonic plates theory and anatomy, what's a supercontinent?, and how the Earth's climate and surface is affected by these plate tectonics.