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The Digital Odyssey logo image

Embarking on "The Digital Odyssey," I crafted a significant milestone in my journey by constructing my personal portfolio website. This endeavor not only served as a showcase of my skills but also represented my first foray into the realm of web development.

Utilizing the prowess of Adobe Dreamweaver, I intricately wove the fabric of the website, focusing on the seamless integration of design and functionality. Adobe Photoshop played a pivotal role in shaping the visual elements, ensuring a harmonious blend of creativity and technical precision.

The Digital Odyssey stands as a testament to my dedication and learning spirit, encapsulating the essence of my initial steps into the vast landscape of web design and development.

CUNY Arts image logo of cuny arts

CUNY Arts is a captivating volunteer service where I ventured into the realm of digital creativity to express the vibrant culture and artistic endeavors within the CUNY community. My role was to be a modle during the photoshoot.

CUNY Arts seeks to showcase and promote the rich tapestry of creativity within the CUNY educational landscape. Check their blogs on Instagram-Cuny Arts.