
Islam is a big part of the Yemeni Culture. Yemenis implent their belief system into their day-to-day life, from the way they dress to the way they interact with one another. Every morning at dawn, you can hear the calls for prayers echoing through the dawn sky and daily routine is worked around the five obligatory prayers. Men are recommended to pray in the masjid (Mosque) and women pray at home.
traditional Attire

Men wear thawbs, a long garment with a Jambiya which is a curved dagger worn on a belt which some people use it as a symbol of status includling self-defense.

Dressing modestly is a common theme in Yemen when it comes to going out in public. The majority of Yemeni women wear baltoo/abaya which is a loose-fitted dress with either a niqab or burqa which is a garment to cover their face.

Khat/qat is a bitter-tasting green leaf that is a stimulate that produces a slight high if chewed. This plant is popular throughout Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and African countries. It is commonly chewed after lunch in Yemen. Yemenis that chew qat, chew khat everyday due to its addictiveness. Chewing qat has its benefits and positive attributes such as being a stimulant (similarly to coffee), being more social, elevate mood, and combat fatigue.there are also negative effects such as: lack of concentration, manic behavior, mood swings, addictiveness, and an expensive lifystyle.