Changes Within Positions:


Guard Positions:





There are two guard positons: the point guard and shooting guard. The job for a guard is to bring the ball up the court and to get their teammates involved, by passing and setting up other teammates to score. Also, they are basically the coach on the court because they control the tempo of the game.


Image result for isiah thomas
Back in the 70s, and 80s, it was not the point guards job to score. Their only job was to strictly set up their teammates. Now point guards are expected to do the same, but also score at a high rate. Also, using the three-point shot to their advantage shooting multiple shots behind the three-point line. However, a shooting guards job is to score and throughout time that job has not changed. Image result for de'aaron fox



Forward Positions:







There are also two forward positions, the small forward and power forward. There are many roles for these two positions, scorer, playmaker, shooter, defender, and rebounder.


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For the small forward this position is a traditional scorer position, I believe this position can advance the ball up the court just like a guard and pass as well as a point guard. I do not see much change in this position throguhout the years. However the power forward position is similar to the Center positon mostly back to the basket, rebounding. I do not see a dramatic change in this position, but now the power forward do no utilize the three-point way more than back then. Now we rarely see post-up plays run for this position anymore. Image result for lebron james



Center Position:


The Center position was always the most dominant position. They are the biggest and strongest position. Their main job is to grab rebounds, protect the rim, and from time to time score. Back in the day, scoring from this position came only in the paint with back to the basket moves or straight up dunking the basketball because of their height it is easier to dunk the ball. Now, centers still use their height to their advantage scoring at the rim, but now most of the centers step outside to shoot the three-pointer more. Most centers who cannot shoot the three-pointer have lost their job in the NBA because of the change.

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Image result for joel embiid dunking