
  • Health: 1000
  • Stun:    1050
  • (+)High damage
  • (+)Quick dash speed
  • (+)Long range normals
  • (-)Slow walk speed
  • (-)Needs meter to use wakeup atk
  • (-)Has to be close to do dmg


 photo overhaul_zps7dln73ig.gif

Alex winds up his arm for a brief second being completely vulnerable. This gives him a temporary powerup making the next attack he connects a counter hit. This allows the player to perform combos that weren't possible before.

"Flash Chop"
 photo chop_zpsczveypwr.gif/or  (EX)

Alex slashes the air infont of him with a chop attack. Used primarily as a poke aswell as in combos. This move has the unique ability of deleting any single hit projectile it comes in contact with. HP Flash Chop although very slow on startup causes a backturn allowing you to perform "Power Drop".

"Slash Elbow"
 photo eslash_zpscdngvmbc.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

Is a charge attack move that doubles as a mobility move. Along with "Flash Chop" can be used in stopping incoming single hit projectiles. The strength of the button used determines its distance and speed.

"Air Knee Smash"
 photo knedrp_zps3yht7m5a.gif/or  (EX)

As Alex's primary anti-air knee bash travels upwards moving forward slightly. Although it has an extended landing recovery, it can be used in ending jungle combos. The light version reaches more closer to Alex and the strongest reaches further out.

"Power Bomb - Power Drop"
 photo pbomb_zpsepcjbwb2.gif photo pdrop_zps4d79brlc.gif/or  (EX)

The center of Alex's moveslist is his command throw the dreaded "Power Bomb". With limited range it is an unblockable throw but has a long recovery if missed. The stronger the version the shorter the range. Most importantly all versions of this move cause a large amount of stun to the opponent so try to use as much as possible. "Power Drop" can only be accessed if the opponent was hit with a HP Flash Chop which causes a backturn.

"Air Stampede"
 photo astamp_zpssd4zxjpc.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

Springing to the top of the screen and crashing down like a meteor with both feet crushing anyone underneath Air Stampede is an overhead attack. Serving as a means to get closer to the opponent and throw them off a bit because of it's deceptive animation being similar to "Head Crush".

"Head Crush"
 photo hcrush_zpsx7opdmfu.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

Similar animation to "Air Stampede" Alex jumps to the top of the screen comes down and grabs (unblockable)the opponent headbutting them. Head crush doesn't quite do a ton of damage it is mainly used as a move to build stun since it does quite a bit of stun damage. You can mix it up between "Air Stampede" and "Head Crush" to throw your opponent off.

"Heavy Hammer"
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Alex's CA that has a 2 part transition. If the first chop doesn't hit the opponent Alex proceeds to follow up with 2 additional chops which doesn't do much damage. However if the first chop hits successfully Alex will continue into a cutscene doing the maximum damage. Primarily used after hitting and connecting with a Flash Chop can be canceled into CA.