Health Meter
In Street Fighter to win your objective is to defeat your opponent. Player 1, by default, starts on the left side and Player 2 starts on the right side. To defeat your opponent you have to drain their health meter effectively before they drain yours. The green bar at the top of the screen is both characters health meter. At the beginning of the round it starts full and as you or your opponent gets hit it depletes. The more each player gets hit the bar depletes towards the center of the screen turning into a shade of yellow the closer you or your opponent is to being defeated. Once the meter is fully depleted the character is K.O.ed for that round. Each player has to win two rounds (default) in order to win a game.
Below the health meter of each player is show inside the purple box.

Every character has a specific amount of Hit-Points that vary from character to character. Although every character has different Hit-Points the horizontal Health Meter at the top will always be the same length on screen. Characters with above average Hit-Points are (1050), average will have (1000) and low health will be (900). Hit-Points don't necessarily dictate whether a character is better in terms of tools etc., it just simply means that higher Hit-Point characters can take more hits while the latter can't take as many.
Hit-Point Amounts (Highest > Lowest)
Character | Hit-Points |
Birdie | 1050 |
Zangief | 1050 |
Alex | 1000 |
Balrog | 1000 |
Ken | 1000 |
Laura | 1000 |
M.Bison | 1000 |
Necalli | 1000 |
Ryu | 1000 |
Urien | 1000 |
Vega | 1000 |
Chun-Li | 950 |
F.A.N.G. | 950 |
Guile | 950 |
Juri | 950 |
Nash | 950 |
R.Mika | 950 |
Rashid | 950 |
Cammy | 900 |
Dhalsim | 900 |
Karin | 900 |
The timer is located in the middle of both health meters. Every round the timer starts out at 99 counting down to 00 in real time ticking down every second. Once the timer reaches 00 the round will end, whichever player has the most health at the 00 mark wins the round. If both players have the same amount of health at 00 timer it will result in a draw, also if both players K.O. each other at the same time it will also end in a draw aswell.

Stun Meter
Stun is a mechanic introduced in previous iterations of Street Fighter and carries over in V. This meter is located under the players health bar and inbetween the timer. The meter increases as the players gets hit and once the bar get filled that player will be stunned. Once stunned your character will hit the ground, get up and a grim reaper, stars, or chicks icon will rotate around the head. Once stunned you cannot perform any actions making the character open for whatever the opponent decides to do.
Dizzy doesn't last forever after a small amount of time the character will recover returning back to normal. However during this small period of being stun the player can break the dizzy by mashing the attack buttons and shaking the controls. The faster you perform these actions the quicker the recovery. If shaken quick enough your able to perform an action once you break the dizzy and maybe just make it in time to block before your opponent gets their opportunity to perform an attack on you.

Every character is susceptible to being stun, however every character has their own stun value just as everyone has their own Hit-Points. Above average values are (1050) or (1000) making them harder to dizzy while characters with average stun values (950) are easier, below average (900) are the most susceptible to being stunned quicker than the others.
Character | Stun Values |
Birdie | 1000 |
Zangief | 1050 |
Alex | 1050 |
Balrog | 1000 |
Ken | 1000 |
Laura | 1000 |
M.Bison | 950 |
Necalli | 1000 |
Ryu | 1000 |
Urien | 1000 |
Vega | 950 |
Chun-Li | 1000 |
F.A.N.G. | 950 |
Guile | 950 |
Juri | 950 |
Nash | 950 |
R.Mika | 1000 |
Rashid | 950 |
Cammy | 900 |
Dhalsim | 900 |
Karin | 950 |