
  • Health: 1000
  • Stun:    1000
  • (+)High damage
  • (+)Quick dash speed
  • (+)Strong corner pressure
  • (-)Need to be close to do damage
  • (-)Slow walk speed
  • (-)Needs meter to use wakeup atk



"KKB(P) - KKB(K)"

Balrog's aka "Boxer" command dash which is similar to a sway that real life boxers use. As Balrog moves forwards in a ducking animation he is invincible to projectiles. He also can use this move while performing some of his other attacks like "Dash Straight" and "Dash Grand Blow" as a feint of sorts to trick the opponent into pressing a button. While performing "KKB" he also has two other followups, "KKBP" which is performed by pressing any punch button after performing "KKB" and "KKBK" with kicks. "KKBP" is a hook punch attack that send the opponent spinning midair and "KKBK" is a overhead smash windmill punch. These two moves force the opponent into a guessing situation high or low.

"Dash Straight"
 photo dstraight_zps4172jgqo.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

"Boxer" dashes across the screen with a furious punch. The range at which this move covers depends on the button used. Far reaching attack, combo tool and KKB-cancel move.

"Dash Grand Blow"
 photo dgblow_zpsytndncsi.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

Balrog dashes towards the opponent and sweeps their legs. A alternative to "Dash Straight" but much slower however deals slightly more damage.

"Screw Smash"
 photo ssmash_zpsspefjcqy.gif(CHARGE)/or  (EX)

This punch launches the opponent straight into the air allow new juggle capabilites especially when used as an anti-air.

"Turn Punch"
 photo tpunch_zpscva5jk0y.gifHOLD AND RELEASE ANY TWO PUNCHES OR TWO KICKS

Classic move from Boxer allowing him to gain distance on an opponent while evading any projectiles that are thrown at him during this attack. To perform the move all you have to do is hold down two kick or two punch buttons for half of a second then release. The longer the buttons are held down before released changes the properties of the move. When held longer the damage done upon release is greater.

"Gigaton Blow"
 photo balrogca_zpsypklzjks.gif/or 

Balrogs most powerful attack yet, this devastating punch travels almost full screen at an alarming speed. Although it is single hitting it serves to punish moves that are much slower than it. Possibly one of the best supers in the game. Can be canceled from other moves like "Dash Straight".