
  • Health: 1050
  • Stun:    1000
  • (+)High Damage
  • (+)Long range normals
  • (+)Easy to play
  • (-)Slow walk speed
  • (-)Big in size (easy to hit)
  • (-)Needs meter to use wakeup atk


"Break Time"
"Banana Time - Drink Time"

Break time leaves Birdie vulernable as he eats a tasty jelly doughnt which fills a bit of his V-Trigger meter. This move has two other variations "Banana Time" and "Drink Time". Banana time has Birdie eating a banana and throwing the peel on the floor any unsuspecting opponent who goes near the peel slips slightly. Drink time Birdie drink a can of soda and throws it on the floor. This can rolls towards the opponent, if it hits the opponent they slip on the can and can be hit by Birdie.

"Bull Head"
 photo bhead_zpsuj6pivh2.gif/or  (EX)

Birdie headbutts the opponent knocking them down, primarily used in combos.

"Bull Horn"
 photo bhorn_zps1aaagtjx.gifHOLD AND RELEASE ANY PUNCH OF KICK BUTTON

Similar to Balrog's "Turn Punch" Birdie becomes invulnerable to projectiles while he reels back then proceeds the headbutt the opponent knocking them upwards.

"Hanging Chain"
 photo hchain_zps09cj4bfk.gif/or  (EX)

Birdie begins spinning his chain around then lets it go capturing the opponent and slamming them into either the wall or the ground. Can be used from quite a far distance, isn't a good move to use often because of its long recovery.

"Killing Head"
 photo khead_zps6tllhajf.gif/or  (EX)

Grabbing their head Birdie gives the opponent a nice headbutt smash which knows them down. This command throw is unblockable and can be very tricky to deal with if the opponent isn't sure when its coming.

"Bull Revenger"
 photo brevenger_zpsyiqrq3fu.gif/or  (EX)

Leaping into the air Birdie comes down with chains in hands wrapping them around the opponent slamming them then flipping them away. Birdie leaps more forward depending on the strength of the button used.

"Skip To My Chain"
 photo stmc_zpsva91hadm.gif/or

Birdie's CA that has a bit of upper body invulnerability from incoming attacks. This is his strongest move mainly used after comboing from a canceled "Bull Head".