
  • Health: 900
  • Stun:    900
  • (+)High damage
  • (+)Fast walk speed
  • (+)Good toolset
  • (+)Meterless wakeup
  • (-)Needs to be close to do damage
  • (-)Low health (can't make mistakes)


"Axel Spin Knuckle"
"Spin Knuckle Crossup"

Cammy spins with a backfist hitting her opponent. This move is projectile invulnerable and allows for a cross up side switch when activated close to the opponent.

"Spiral Arrow"
 photo sa_zpswuattvak.gif/or  (EX)

Cammy turns into a torpedo propelling herself towards her opponent. The distance traveled depends on the button used.

"Cannon Spike"
 photo cs_zpsshivfch8.gif/or  (EX)

Quintessential anti-air which has Cammy fly up into the air with a kick at an arch. Great as a wakeup attack because of it's invulnerability.

"Cannon Strike"
 photo cstrike_zpscrp1g350.gif(DURING FWD JUMP)/or  (EX)

Ait to ground dive kick centered around Cammy's aggressive play. The button used depends on the descending angle the weaker the button the more steeper the kick comes out.

"Hooligan Combination"
"Hooligan Cannon Strike"
"Hooligan Razor Edge"
"Hooligan Fatal Leg Twister"

Cammy curls into a ball and fly's towards her opponent. She has various followups out of this move. When the player doesn't press any attack buttons after performing this move she does "Razor Edge" which is a slide knocking the opponent down. She can also go into "Cannon Strike" by pressing any kick button similar to her command version. Lastly she has a grab out of Hooligan which allows for a 3 way mixup.

"Cross Stinger Assault"
 photo ca_zpsphxypjqb.gifor

Cammy's CA where she jumps to the wall behind her and starts a flurry of kicks to the opponent. Used primarily when opponent makes a mistake or after canceling from a "Cannon Spike".