
  • Health: 1000
  • Stun:    1000
  • (+)High damage
  • (+)Quick dash speed
  • (+)Meterless wakeup atk
  • (+)Very unpredictable
  • (-)Has to be close to do dmg
  • (-)Risk vs. Reward playstyle


"Quick Step"

Ken dashes towards the opponent, if the buttons are held down he ends in a step kick which knocksdown. Used primarily to close the distance between you and opponent, however can be used to extend combos.

 photo kenfb_zpspdiy6sfc.gif/or  (EX)

Similar to Ryu, Ken throws a ball of blue energy towards his opponent which travels across the screen horizontally. The travel speed depends on the strength of button used.

 photo kensrk_zpsukfcg3wl.gif/or  (EX)

Ken does and fiery uppercut which is fully invincible but makes him defenseless as he lands. This anti-air and anti-ground move knocks the opponent down. The height of the uppercut depends on the strenghth of the button used. As a fully invulnerable move it is very useful to do either on wakeup or when an opponent jumps towards you.

 photo kentatsu_zpserf6rgd0.gif/or  (EX)

Ken advances forward with a spinning kick that knocksdown the opponent. Can be done while in the air,used as a combo tool, to get near the opponent. The buttons used depends on the speed and the distance arc. The HK version goes in a full arc, light and medium versions are similar to Ryu's. HK version is good for combo enders because of its corner carry abilities.

"Guren Enjikyaku"
 photo kenca_zpshkpc7qtn.gif/or 

Ken's CA has good damage can be used as a combo ender, anti-air or, to punish other opponents projectiles.