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Eclectus Parrots

Eclectus is a parrot native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and nearby islands. It is unusual in the parrot family for it extreme sexual dimorphism of the colours of the plumage; the male is mostly bright emerald green plumage and the female a mostly bright red and purple/blue plumage. They are strong fliers and on long flights, they fly high above the forest canopy. Calling loudly, pairs or small parties travel widely through the upper canopy in search of fruits, nuts, nectar and leaf buds. Eclectus make wounderful pets and have excellent talking abilities. They are adventuresome and love to explore new places and people.

The Eclectus produce no dust because they have an oil gland rather than a dust gland for preening.
The female of the Eclectus is the dominant gender, and many people find that when a female reaches puberty, she becomes aggressive. This is simply those hormones talking, and the female need her space during this mood swings. The male is very subservient and probably makes the least moody pet.

Eclectus feed on fruits especially wild figs, seed, nuts, berries, buds and bossoms. If they are eating a well balanced diet, they do not need supplemental vitamines. Some people will recommend grit,  do not supply grit regardless of what well intentioned this might be. Grit can impact the digestive track.
The cage should be as large as possible. As least three food dishes, natural wood perches, such as manzanita or ribbon wood. Most eclectus like to swing, so a large swing is recommended.