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This is the AverMedia Live Gamer Portable (LGP). This tiny device is what will be capturing our gameplay from our video game consoles. Any console that you connect via HDMI cable can capture gameplay except the PlayStation 3. The console has a built in protection called HDCP which does not allow anything to be captured. In order to capture PlayStation 3 gameplay, AverMedia included a separate cable which connects to the console which will capture it as component.
When you purchase the LGP, this is the box contents. Below I'll explain the purpose of the main pieces before we start connecting.
LGP | Stream Device | |
HDMI Cable | Connects console to LGP | |
PlayStation 3 Cable | Used to connect PlayStation 2 or 3 to LGP | |
Component Cable | Used to connect any console via component cables to LGP | |
Mini USB Cable | Used to connect LGP to PC |
Click here to find out how to begin connecting the pieces.