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Here is a broadcast I did last week which will show how a stream will end up as. You may be asking why is there more than just a video but I like having an overlay on all of my broadcasts. In this specific one I was doing a 24 hour stream and this part was a match I had during a tournament.
Open Broadcaster Software: This is where you will go to download OBS for use. The software is free as an open source project so never allow yourself to pay to obtain this software.
OBS Estimator: Use this Web site to get estimated settings for OBS based on your computer, internet and game.
Twitch Page: This link will take you to my own personal stream page.
Twitch.tv: Use this link to sign up for a twitch account. You will need an account to get a stream key for broadcasting.
LGP Drivers: Download the Application and Drivers, Firmware and Stream Engine.
Purchase LGP: Places online to buy a Live Gamer Portable.