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All we are missing now at this point is to set up our account on Twitch.tv. Twitch is currently the easiest and most popular streaming Web site where many people go on to broadcast their video game play and other video game related things. To sign up with twitch is just like signing up for any other place. You will be creating a username which will be your Twitch name. For example if I call myself BIS13Streamer, this will be my streaming url name also, so choose something you will hold on to as you cannot change it.
Once you have created a site, the main place you will be working from the most is your channel page. For our example we will be looking at my page.
What we see above is my channel page. This is the page any viewer to your Web site will see when either typing your name or going to your page via searching for a specific game which you may be streaming. Most of the stuff here can be changed from the dashboard screen but the main thing to notice here is the panels. Since this is my page it gives me the option to edit, others viewing won't see anything. With panels you can add more information about your channel for people who are viewing your page.
The panels I have created are a simple creation and are only there to give viewers more information. One important thing you need to get is your stream key which is under the dashboard settings. It will look like the image below, minus the blur which is to cover my entire stream key. With that key, anyone can stream under your account so you don't want anyone to have access to that.