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This section lists the name of every obtainable item in the game broken into categories. Fists, swords, spears, axes, bow and arrows, guns, staves, armor, "int" monster weapons, and "atk" monster weapons, belts, glasses, shoes, orbs, muscles, treasures,consumables, stealing hands, chara world, attack items, dark assembly, and item world items.

Weapons and Armors
Fists Swords Spears Bows Guns Axes Staves Monster "ATK" Monster "INT" Armor Rank
Timble Replica Sword Old Bamboo Spear Driftwood Bow Water Pistol Pebble Axe Just a Stick Paw Gloves Medal of Unworth Wrinkly clothes 1
Rubber Gloves Rusted Sword Training Spear Toy Bow Worn Blowgun Nail Bat Cute Wand Sharp Bone Unfortunate Medal Pot Lid 2
Dress Gloves Survival Knife Wave Spear Wooden Bow Junk Shooter Wood Cutter's Axe Wooden Cane Hooked Claw Medal of the Weak Thin Cape 3
Magic Hand Kitchen Knife Ruyi Bang Throny Bow Customized Replica Battle Gavel Magician's Stick Crab Pincer Distasteful Medal Cotton Bandana 4
Forehead Flicker Versatile Billhook Bardiche Longbow Hand Blaster Guillotine Axe Simple Mace Spider Thread Underling's Medal Festival Clothes 5
Catcher's Mitt Vine Blade Halberd Bow of Scales Assault Magnum Labrys Territory Cane Jellyfish Stinger Medal of Sloth Light Shield 6
Grip Dynamometer Mail Breaker Iron Spear Fork Bone Hunter Shock Gun War Hammer Jewel Wand Porcupine Crude Metal Maiden's Chihaya 7
Handmade Bracers Jewel Blossom Spuntone Fairy Arch Thunder Jet Silver Axe Shell Staff Cobra Twist Puppet's Medal Life Jacket 8
Brass Knuckles Assassin Dagger Cross Spear Unicorn Bow Night Revolver Viking Axe Bat Staff Bull's Horn Eerie Medal Top Hat 9
Brawler's Cestuses Machete Floral Spear Nethershroud Bow Silent Army Windblade War Axe White Feather Fan Strange Feelers Medal of Evil Camo-clothes 10
Massager Knight Sabre La Chauve-Souris Sky Hunter Netherworld Musket Butcher's Cleaver Orb Scepter Spikey Shell Revealing Medal Magical Vest 11
Power Knuckles Civilian's Jitte Large Naginata Shadow Howler Shooter's Edge Crescent Axe Pixie Staff Wolf Fang Counterfeit Medal Round Shield 12
Fisticuffs Deluxe Parazonium Light Partisan Venom Fang Bow Twin Danger Bewitched Axe Red Beast Bear Claw Medal of Oblivion Mascot Costume 13
Jugular Thrust Gladiator Sky Piercer Earthen Bow Dirty Boy Attaxe on Titan Hammer Rod Hammer head Delinquency Medal Bikini Armor 14
Singauta Justice Blade Moonshadow Spear Metal Hunter Bugle M 13 Metal Slasher Joker Staff Thorn Whip Medal of Greed Iron Mask 15
Cross Counter Aqua Sword Sunset Lance Snuff Bow Drill Blaster Guilty Axe Silver Rod Lionheart Haughty Medal Chain Mail 16
Hand Power Duskbane Obsidian Spear Bow of Miracles Vapor Cannon Deadly Anchor Sorcerer Wand Death's Embrace Dangerous Medal Power Suit 17
Kung Fu Fist Mighty Shotel Hornet Pike Shell Sparrow Welrod Mk II Golden Hatchet Staff of Logic Tsuchinoko Sinister Medal Shell Shield 18
Thorny Mittens Mysterious Blade Devil Fork Godspeed Bow Black Ball Flame Club Cross Impact Jack O'Lantern Strange Medal Ninja Clothes 19
Bagh Nakh Weaponized Hagoita Spirit Pike Blooming Flower Hell Commando Demon's Club Prinny Staff Amanojaku Horn Medal of Darkness Dress Armor 20
Robot Arms Ridill Orcish Glaive Skogsra Round Chaser Gemstone Hammer Rose Regalia Gremlin Effect Medal of Suprise Witch's Hat 21
Ninja Claws Demon's Knife Shaman Lance Golden Bow Energy Cannon Sledgehammer Emerald Cane Chimera DNA Cursed Medal Dandy Gown 22
Jamadhar Overlord's Sword Elder Spear Undine Bow Flame Thrower Ogre Axe Mermaid Cane Leafy Fan Medal of Misery Scale Mail 23
Venom Hands Blutgang Snake Spear Sylphid Electric Pulse Dinosaur Greataxe Stardust Rod Salamander Breath Nightmare Medal Duralumin Shield 24
Vice Indicator Laser Blade Valkyrie Spear Bow of Spirits Gjallarhorn Mad Cleaver Sunshine Rod Thunder Bird Enthusiastic Medal Brigandine 25
Burning Karate Evil Edge Oracle Spear Bow of Leraje Technical Shooter Angel's Axe Alice's Magic Wand Pegasus Hoof Medal of Happiness Revenge Cloth 26
Silver Gauntlet Swordman's Legend Chitragupta Dragon's Jaw Raiden's Gun Spiked Ball Hammer Southern Staff Dark Aura Medal of Purity Imperial Crown 27
Dragon Buster Hauteclaire Fallen Angel Spear Harpuia Shinatsuhiko's Gun Lovely Axe Golden Scepter Cockatrice Beak Medal of Tenacity Passion Vest 28
Kingly Himantes Bloody Blade Dynastic Guandao Stymphalia Panzer Blaster Crystal Axe Requiem Raiju's Howl Warrior's medal Samurai Armor 29
Hero Punch Durandal Trident Crossy Bow Hanarr's Hammer Axe of Despair Emperor's Scepter Lamia's Coil Medal of Hell Spartan Shield 30
Southern Cross Lion King's Edge Grasida Failnaught Titania Skeggiold Arphodite Titan's Fist Phantasmal Medal Hero Suit 31
Death's Grip Samosek Sword Kagutsuchi Pike Goddess' Starbow Crusade Liquid Edge Holy Heaven Cane Death's Scythe Iron Man Medal Valkyrie Dress 32
Dark Fist Dragon Warrior Trishula Drake Hunter Crimson Launcher Chronos Crucible Skadi's Ice Staff Garuda's Wing Elegant Medal Hidegrim 33
Three-Year Killer Satan's Sword Romulus' Spear Erythron Cosmo Gun Holy Axe Clover Eclipse Wand Fenrir's Fang Angel's Medal Hachiryu Armor 34
Zodiac Aroundight Grand Tepes Gustav's Bow Hand of Glory Beam Axe Apollo's Staff Dragon Force Audacious Medal Orichalcum Shield 35
Golden Right Genie's Blade Worm Spear Lovely Cupid Hades Ruination God's Wing Axe Circe's Wand Insanity Eye Twinlding Medal Overlord Armor 36
God Hand Nodens Nailgun Spear Infernal Raven Demiurge Sonic Spinning Saw Fortuna Devil Matrix Emperor's Medal Alloy Robosuit 37
Cosmo Breaker Claiomh Solais Laevataeinn Shekinah's Bow Absolution Mjolnir Almighty Staff Yama's Wrath Majin's Medal Hades Helm 38
Ultimus Yoshitsuna Drill Emperor Majin Greatbow Wave Particle Shot Tezcatlipoca Solomon's Staff Uroborus Ring Medal of Awakening Aegis Shield 39
Hrimthurse Baal Sword Pillar of Dialgo Divinity Akerte Zillion's Buster Genesis Wand Baal Body Dark Galaxy Medal Hercules' Armor 40
Thiassi Glimmerblade Saturn's Edge Sleipnir Amalgam Flame Gaea Impact Trisenses Lucifer Dyne Legendary Medal   40*
Muspell Catastrophe Star Lord Artemis Invincible Ragnarok Yggdrasil Makai Wars Heartless Medal   40**

For the items in the 40* and 40** categories, these weapons can only be found either through Netherworld researching or in a mystery room in the Item world. The Item world and Netherworld researching will be discussed in the Mechanics tab of this site. The difference between the Rank 40, Rank 40*, and Rank 40** are the stats and innocents found on these weapons. The Rank 40 weapons have one stat where they are best at. For example the Rank 40 sword's best stat is ATK. While the Rank 40* sword while weaker in ATK compared to the Rank 40 sword, comes with a special innocent called "revenge booster" whose effect is to raise the rate revenge is gained in the game. The revenge gauge will be explained in the Mechanics tab of this site. As for the final Rank 40**, this weapon has the best overall stats as it gives a boost to all stats while still maintaining the best stat of the Rank 40 sword, but lacks the "revenge booster" innocent found on the Rank 40* sword. As for which to use will be up to each player's personal preference just note that each unit can equip two weapons at a time and gain the effect of the innocents found on each weapon just note the some innocents do not stack once maxed out. Innocents will be explained in the Mechanics tab of this site.

Extra Equipment
Belts Glasses Shoes Muscles Orbs Rank Treasure Rank
Power Belt Glasses Slippers Brawny Muscle Common Orb 3 Imperial Seal 4
Exertion Belt Binoculars Cross Trainers Kung-Fu Muscle Psycho Orb 7 Dark Rosary 8
Energy Belt Nerd Glasses Ninja Tabi Spirit Muscle Dark Orb 11 Devil Ring 12
Beastly Belt Plastic Nose Falcon Shoes Fight Muscle Bloody Orb 15 Feather Token 16
Aura Belt Opera Glasses Aero Sneakers Ace Muscle Astral Orb 19 Sophia's Mirror 20
Spirit Belt Nightvision Winged Boots Victory Muscle Lunal Orb 23 Pravda Pendant 24
Bravely Belt Crosshair Angel's Shoes Dream Muscle Royal Orb 27 Royal Ring 28
Black Belt Foresight Accelerator World Muscle Holy Orb 31 Testament 32
Ubermensch Destiny Lens Vernier Thruster Star muscle Chaos Orb 35 Exodus 36
Orion's Belt Providence Barefoot X Cosmo Muscle Universal Orb 39 Arcadia 39
            Trapezohedron 40

Consumable Rank Chara World Rank Attack Items Rank
ABC Gum 1 Forward By One 3 Rotten Garbage 6
Mint Gum 1 Forward By Two 4 Throwing Knife 2
Hard Candy 5 Forward By Three 5 Healing Shot 4
Cotton Candy 10 Forward By Four 6 Medal 6
Taiyaki 15 Forward By Five 7 Demon's Bullet 10
Chocolate 20 Forward By Six 8 Shuriken 15
Flan 25 Forward By Lots 12 Javelin 24
Eclair 30 Forward By Tons 16 Fire Scroll 8
Shortcake 35 Taxi Ticket 8 Ice Scroll 8
Sundae 39 Limo Ticket 16 Lightning Scroll 8
Unopened Soda 1 Bumber Soul 3 Handaxe 20
Opened Soda 1 Rift Generator 3 Toy Prinny 24
Cafe au Lait 5 Switcher Ring 8 Dart 28
Yam Starch 10 Action Booster 3 Pocket Shrine 38
BBQ Sauce 15 Grid Paper 3 A Single Rose 30
Egg Yolk 20 12 Sided Die 4 Iron Ball 32
Protein Shake 25 Quick Draw 5 Claymore Lance 37
Bloody Mary 30 Victor's Ego 6 Blazing Ruby 36
Sake 35 Devil's Spirit 7 Glacier Fragment 36
Mushroom Soup 39 4D Printer 16 Raijin's Fist 36
Sardine 2 Evil God's Voice 26 Holy Water 36
Catepillar Egg 3 Dodging Advice 3 Judgment Cross 37
Charred Newt 5 Strategy Textbook 16 Rocket Punch 38
Chicken Blood 7 Future Calculator 26 Satellite Laser 38
Snake Kidney 9 Cracked Hourglass 3    
Yummy Kimchee 12 Grandpa's Clock 7 Dark Assembly Rank
Frog Sweat 15 Mature Hourglass 11 Angel Cake 5
Immortal Pill 20 Chronos Hourglass 26 Gold Bar 10
Soma 28 Kairos Clock 26 Treasure Box 10
Elixir 38 Construction Order 3 Bomb 1
Organic Sardine 3 Ghost Cat's Bell 3 Medicine 3
Fairy Dust 2 Dowsing Rod 1 Hard Liquor 5
Hamburger 10     Chloroform 7
Ramen 20 Stealing Hands Rank Speakers 7
Sukiyaki 30 Stealing Hand 2    
Sushi 35 Plunder Hand 10 Miscellaneous Items Rank
Eel and Rice 39 Cha-Ching Hand 18 Mr.Gency Exit 3
Miso Soup 10 Bandit's Hand 26 Diver-5 3
Cream of Corn Soup 20 Awesome Hand 34 Diver-10 3
Chicken Soup 30     Diver-20 3
Bouillabaisse 35     Filler 0.5 3
Mom's Special Stew 39     Filler Up 3
        Filler G 3
        Filler Ex 3